

Published on Jive Magazine 1st April 2002




pure morning
possessed by nothing else
Posts: 1214
(3/31/02 1:12:53 pm)

Dance Planet

Album: Dance Planet
Label: Music Mosaic
Reviewed by: Misty Thomas

Music Mosaic is a new label from Australia that is continuing their series of world music compilations. These CDs have been put out by Music Mosaic and they promise that it "encourages all cultures and nations to live together respectfully on our planet Earth." This CD is just remarkable. It is filled with very upbeat and uplifting tracks for those who love the sounds of chanting, drums, and smooth vocals. This CD is a very different type of electronic music.

It combines African rhythms, Cuban beats, and aboriginal sounds to take the listener on a worldwide journey. For instance, the Don Peyote track, "Watsi Watsi," uses birdcalls, laughter, shouts and African chanting to stir the soul of anyone listening. The CD is overall very good, but it is a bit inconsistent as far as the genres on the CD. It has a tendency of going from upbeat house tracks back down to a bit of a more trancey sound and then back to the house tracks. The quality of mixing is exceptional though. To find out more about Music Mosaic or to hear tracks from the CD visit their website www.musicmosaic.com.

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