Quote by Jean Houston

Next is now, world music as the single most potent force in the culture of fusion ... World music-makers are like shamans, carrying us on magic carpets of riffs and melodies through states of consciousness that spin us out of time to lands not yet invented but glimpsed on the aural horizon ... And so we see that music brings us, in the jumping of our cells, from what is past to what is trying to become the future. lt expresses and fulfills our need to hear the spirit in the dark.
(Jean Houston in Jump Time, Sentient Publ. 2004)

How to get the FREE Basic Player?

Please go to the RealPlayer site, scroll down below the Superpass window and get the Basic Player.


Real Player Download Now FREE

If you are on a PC, follow these steps:

If you are using Internet Explorer: This should prompt you with Run or Save. If you run the file, the setup begins automatically. If you save it, it will be saved to your hard drive, and then you can run it later.

If you are using Firefox: This should prompt you with Save File or Cancel. Click Save File, then click the icon on your desktop to run the installer.

Once the installer starts, you'll go through a process of selecting what parts you want to install, where you want to install it, and so on. The installer will walk you through all of this. Watch out that you always select Basic Player when given a choice.

If you are on a Mac, follow these steps:

Simply follow the instructions. :-)

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